"Committing thought-crimes"

(so you don’t have to)



Ode to TED and Inspiration

Link Poetry (hint: hover and click on stanzas!)
- On the makings of utopias.

Start Simple

We should cherish our perspectives, our cultures,
while accepting our shortcomings As part of who we are.

Also, we should be optimistic, even inspired
because we are going in the right direction.

This not a pipe dream!
We are meant to work together and we can develop compassion.

But in order to succeed we need to defeat irrationality,
magical thinking, and other frauds.

We will face hard decisions,
even perhaps letting go of god (but not letting go of good)
and helping others do the same.

Being united in this is important because ideas are dangerous
If not handled intelligently.

We must to change how we think,
expand who we care about,
and what we value.
Because we are all connected, Literally.

I know we can rise up,
It doesn't take much to change the world for the better.
Plus if we use the right motivation and work together
We can do some pretty amazing things
Even under questionable conditions.

Start a Movement

Scatological Sensibilities is a collection of thoughts and ideas from the aspiring programmer who goes by the name Ape-Iñago.


  1. Derek Sivers talk, yeah? In 3 minutes this guy made more impact then some of the 30 minute talks!

    I like to be the lone nut, and see who follows. ;)

    This is a great interpretation and very well written.

  2. Yeah, the talk on "making a movement", linked under the line "start a movement", by derek Sivers.

    It was inspiring to think of how influential one loan nut can be. I put that link last as a sort of confirmation of my feelings of social progress.

    It takes one person to start a wave. But that wave will dissipate unless someone reinforces the wave further down. Once the wave has been fielded, it is no longer in ones control.

    It is fun to watch an entire pool full of people start reinforce a wave. Pretty soon the waters become amazingly turbulent (and surprisingly quickly, i might add).
